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Attracting Love was a huge request from many of my customers, which is why I created this chime candle set.


Okay so you are looking for love, GREAT! Before you begin ask yourself these questions and write their answers on paper if you need to.....


How do I define love?

what does love look and feel like for me?

What qualities in a partner am I seeking? 

BE HONEST WITH SPIRIT!!! BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF!!!  Hold the candle in your hand and say what you want and need in a relationship! Also, say what YOU DON'T WANT! If you just say " I want love" well you may get a partner who becomes obsessive or emotionally unavailable. BE SPECIFIC!!


For example: "I want a partner over 6 ft tall, single, 40-55 years old with green eyes, full head of hair, excellent personal hygiene, and a great laugh. They will have an established career with work life balance and good credit score. They love to try different foods, and travel. Someone who respects me as an individual and as a life partner. someone who wants to share a life with me. They will not be controlling or obsessive.


Next Place the candle on a heat-safe plate or in a chime candle holder. 
 Keeping the vision of getting what you asked for in your mind, or how that would look for you, light the candle and say " And so it is". Allow the candle to burn down, and never doubt your work. Know you already have it!


Never leave a candle unattended, and keep them away from children, pets, or anything flammable.

Attract Love Chime Spell Candle Set

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